We only ship to all 50 states within the USA.
Shipping Rates
Standard shipping is USPS First Class Mail. Items generally ship within 7-10 business days of when order is placed. Shipping rates calculated in cart. Rates subject to change. We can ship to virtually any address in the USA and Canada. We do not current ship globally.
USA Shipping Rate:
Per Item: $7.00
Free Shipping: $95.00 >
Returns Policy
Brooks Products and Service ( has a strong tradition of providing quality goods and excellent customer service. At, our goal is not only to carry on this tradition, but also to provide an experience that is unique to the dynamic capabilities of the World Wide Web. Furthermore, we will always try to totally satisfied our customers with our products and when this cannot be achieved we will do what we can to simplify the return process.
We have an unconditional return policy for the replacement or refund of any manufacturer defective product within 30 days of the sale. Manufacturer defective product refunds include the original shipping cost. No refunds will be processed until we have received the returned product or we have authorized a refund without the product return.